All goods that are imported into or exported from the customs territory of the EEU are subject to mandatory customs declaration.

Customs declaration is the submission of the customs declaration to the customs authority, in electronic form.

The customs declaration is a customs document containing information about the goods, the chosen customs procedure, the method of movement of goods, the terms of the foreign trade transaction with them, compliance with tariff and non-tariff regulation and other information required for the release of goods.

Customs representative LLC “TransitServicePlus” (registered in the registry of customs representatives of the Republic of Belarus on 22.10.2013 № TA-0600/0000465) invites you to cooperation on customs declaration.

Our specialists will quickly and accurately perform a full range of works, including preliminary verification of documents; advice on all issues of foreign economic activity and current customs legislation.

All paperwork is done via email without the need for your representative to be present.

Contact phone: +375 29 173 02 04