When goods are transported across the customs border of the EEU, all goods and vehicles are placed under the customs procedure of customs transit.

To ensure that the state does not suffer losses in the form of undelivered vehicles with transported cargo of foreign goods for which customs duties have not yet been paid, there are tools to ensure customs transit.

According to Article 63 of the Customs Code of the EEU, one of the ways to ensure fulfillment of obligations to pay customs duties, taxes, special, antidumping and countervailing duties is a surety.

The advantages of a surety, as a measure to ensure customs transit, are as follows:

  • ensures payment of all customs duties for any amount (while Carnet TIR ensures payment of customs duties up to and including 60,000 euros);
  • optional membership in national organizations BAMAP, ASMAP, etc. for carriers;
  • significant reduction in costs and time for organizational issues.

Security of payment of customs duties, taxes, special, antidumping and countervailing duties in case of surety Security of payment of customs duties and taxes, special, antidumping and countervailing duties document or certificate of guaranteeing for payment of customs duties and taxes.

TransitServicePlus LLC offers this method of providing security to interested carriers when moving goods:

  • to destination customs of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Kyrgyz Republic (we also offer a complete EPI or TD compiled by our specialists);
  • from the departure customs of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic to the destination customs of the Republic of Belarus (“international” security certificate).

The cost of the service is formed depending on the amount of warranty (customs duty + taxes) and the distance of transportation.